Telephone and Mobile

Mobile and Telephone - Telephone and Mobile

If you want to make an international phone call from Iran, we consider the most convenient way, connecting to a WIFI, and call through your smartphone’s calling applications. If you don’t have any access to WIFI or any smartphones, it’s essential to know Iran’s phone code is 0098 or +98. And Also, every province has its own code. (for example, 21 for Tehran)

And if you need to buy a phonecard, we suggest you to do it in the airport, right after your arrival.

English Pronunciation Farsi Sound
Phonecard sim-kârt سیم کارت
dialing code kod کُد
smartphone mobâyl موبایل
charger šâržer شارژِر
Hello, this is Ali Salâm, man ‘ali hastam سَلام، مَن عَلی هَستم
I would like to speak to Sarah. mixâstam bâ sârâ sohbat konam. می خاستم با سارا صُحبَت کُنَم
Just a second yek lahze(h) یِک لَحظه
I want to make a phone call man mixâm yek telefon bezanam. مَن می خام یِک تِلِفُن بِزَنَم
Where can I buy a phonecard? kojâ mitunam yek sim-kârt bexaram? کُجا می تونم یِک سیم کارت بِخَرَم؟
Please write the phone number down. lotfan šomâre(h) ro yaddašt konid. لُطفاً شُماره رو یادداشت کُنید
Can I speak to Sam? mitunam bâ sam sohbat konam? می تونَم با سَم صُحبَت کُنَم؟
I’ll call back later ba’dan tamâs migiram بَعداَ تَماس می گیرَم
Do you have a charger? šomâ šâržer dârid? شُما شارژِر دارید؟
Can I borrow your Telephone? mitunam telefon-etun ro qarz begiram? می تونم تِلِفُنِتون رو قَرض بِگیرم؟
Please hold on yek lahze(h) sabr konid یِک لَحظه صَبر کُنید
Who is calling? šomâ? شُما؟
Can you call back later? mitunam ba’dan bâhâtun tamâs begiram? می تونَم بَعداً باهاتون تَماس بِگیرَم؟
Do you want to leave a message? mixâyd peyqâm begzârid? می خاید پِیغام بِگذارید؟
Wrong number šomâre(h)-ye eštebâh شُماره یِ اِشتِباه