Visiting a Doctor in Iran

Imagine you get sick in Iran and you need to visit a doctor and your Persian is not good enough to talk about your health issues. What will you do? You are right, search FarsiMonde to see if there is a free Persian lesson on this website to help you learn appropriate Persian phrases for visiting a doctor in Iran. And here you are. After finding the right page, you need to find the right type of doctor you have to visit. Therefore, this page is organized in a way that you can find the names of physicians and specialists at the beginning.
Finding a Physician
In the next step, you should find the nearest physician or specialist. This won’t be difficult because a quick search in google map or any similar application will introduce you to at least ten specialists, with their contact information. Making an appointment is usually easy in Iran. Call the number you found by your search, give your name and contact information to the secretory, and set the appointment. If the suggested date or time is not acceptable for you, tell the secretary that you do not feel well and you need an urgent appointment. S/he will usually offer you to go to the office and wait to see if there is a cancellation by other patients. If you decide to try this way, you may need to wait between 30 minutes to 3 hours, so you’d better be prepared for it.
For visiting a general physician, making an appointment is not required. You can go to any clinic, hospital, or doctor’s office without an appointment. Sometimes you have to wait up to 30 minutes, so you’d better take something to read. You can also entertain yourself by practicing Persian with other patients who are waiting in.
Explaining Your Problem
After this, comes the difficult steps. When you visit a doctor in Iran, you need to be able to explain your problem in Persian. But do not worry. Farsimonde group provided you with the information you require to conduct a conversation with your doctor in three sections: body parts, health issues, and visiting a doctor. So before going through this page, make sure you know how to explain your problem in Farsi by checking out health problems. On the current page, you will learn the vocabulary and phrases which are used to talk about symptoms, diagnosis, tests, and prescription.
Finally, go through the conversations between a patient and a doctor. By memorizing these conversations, you will be able to imagine yourself in a doctor’s office. If you have an Iranian friend or Persian tutor, you can use these conversations to play roles.
As always, please remind us of whatever you think we should add to this part by leaving comments in Persian or English.
Doctors in Farsi
English | Pronunciation | Farsi | Sound |
physician | pezešk | پِزِشک | |
nurse | parastâr | پَرَستار | |
general physician | pezešk ‘omumi | پِزِشکِ عُمومی | |
pediatrician | pezešk-e atfâl | پِزِشکِ اَطفال | |
gynecologist | pezešk-e zanân | پِزِشکِ زَنان | |
urologist | pezešk-e mardân | پِزِشکِ مَردان | |
ophthalmologist | češm-pezešk | چِشم پِزِشک | |
dentist | dandân-pezešk | دَندانپِزِشک | |
surgeon | jarrâh | جَرّاح | |
specialist | motexasses | مُتِخَصِّص | |
cardiologist | motexasses-e qalb | مُتِخَصِّصِ قَلب | |
neurologist | motexasses-e maqz o asâb | مُتِخَصِّصِ مَغز و اَعصاب | |
dermatologist | motexasses-e pust | مُتِخَصِّصِ پوست | |
nutritionist | motexasses-e taqziye(h) | مُتِخَصِّصِ تَغذیه | |
gastroenterologist | motexasses-e govâreš | مُتِخَصِّصِ گُوارِش | |
infectious disease doctors | motexasses-e bimârihâye ‘ofuni | مُتِخَصِّصِ بیماری های عُفونی | |
endocrinologists | motexasses-e qodad | مُتِخَصِّصِ غُدَد | |
oncologist | motexasses-e saratân | مُتِخَصِّصِ سَرَطان | |
radiologist | râdiyoložist | رادیولوژیست | |
orthopedist | ortoped | اُرتوپِد | |
physiotherapist | fiziyotrâp | فیزیوتِراپ | |
pharmacists | doktor-e dârusâz | دُکتُرِ داروساز | |
psychiatrist | ravânpezešk | رَوانپِزِشک | |
psychoanalyst | ravânkâv | رَوانکاو | |
veteran | dâmpezešk | دامپِزِشک |
Useful Verbs at a Doctor’s Office
English | Pronunciation | Farsi | Sound |
to have pain | dard dâštan | دَرد داشتن | |
to make an appointment | vaqt-e doctor gereftan | وَقتِ دُکتُر گِرِفتَن | |
to visit a doctor | be doktor morâje’e(h) kardan | به دُکتُر مُراجِعه کَردن | |
to cure | darmân kardan | دَرمان کَردَن | |
to rest | esterâhat kardan | اِستِراحَت کَردَن | |
to take medication | dâru xordan | دارو خُوردَن | |
to stitch | baxiye(h) zadan | بَخیه زَدَن | |
to plaster | gač gereftan | گَچ گِرِفتَن | |
to hospitalize | bastari šodan | بَستَری شُدَن | |
to have a surgery | jarrâhi dâštan | جَرّاحی داشتَن | |
anesthetize | bihuš kardan | بیهوش کَردَن | |
desensitize | bihes kardan | بی حِس کَردَن | |
to leave hospital | az bimârestan moraxxas šodan | ااَز بیمارِستان مُرَخَّص شُدَن |
Useful Vocabulary at a Doctor’s Office
English | Pronunciation | Farsi | Sound |
sickness | bimâri | بیماری | |
problem | moškel | مُشکِل | |
allergy | hassasiyat | حَسّاسیَت | |
medication | daru | دارو | |
pill | qors | قُرص | |
syrup | šarbat | شَربَت | |
painkiller | mosakken | مُسَکِّن | |
examine | mo’âyene(h) | مُعایِنه | |
test | âzmâyeš | آزمایِش | |
scan | eskan | اِسکَن | |
pregnant | bârdâr | باردار | |
pain | dard | دَرد | |
diagnosis | tašxis | تَشخیص | |
prescription | nosxe(h) | نُسخه | |
surgery | jarrâhi | جَرّاحی | |
resting | esterâhat | اِستِراحَت |
At the Doctors Office
– moškeletun čiye(h)?
مُشکِلِتون چیه؟ –
– delam dard mikone(h).
.دِلَم دَرد می کُنه –
– dandunam šekaste(h).
.دَندونَم شِکَسته –
– vaqti râh miram zânu dard migiram .
.وَقتی راه می رَم زانودَرد می گیرَم –
– sarmâ xordegi dâram.
.سَرما خُوردِگی دارَم –
– čand ruze(h) ke(h) dard dâri?
چَند روزه که دَرد داری؟ –
– az diruz.
.اَز دیروز –
– ‘alâ’em-e dige(h)yi ham dâri?
عَلائِمِ دیگه ای هَم داری؟ –
– bale(h), sargije(h) dâram
.بَله سَرگیجه دارَم –
– be čizi hassâsiyat dârid?
به چیزی حَسّاسیَت دارید؟ –
– be bâdâm zamini hassâsiyat dâram.
.به بادام زَمینی حَسّاسیَت دارَم –
– dâru-ye xâsi masraf mikonid?
داروی خاصی مَصرَف می کُنید؟ –
– bale(h) qors-e fešâr-e xun.
.بَله، قُرصِ فِشارِ خون –
– bimâri-ye xâsi nadârid?
بیماری خاصی نَدارید؟ –
– kabed-e čarb dâram .
.کَبِدِ چَرب دارَم –
– bârdâr nistid?
باردار نیستید؟ –
– na, bârdâr nistam.
.نه، باردار نیستَم –

– vaqti injâ ro fešâr midam dard migire(h)?
وَقتی اینجا رو فِشار می دَم دَرد می گیره؟ –
– bale(h), xeyli dard dâre(h) .
.بَله، خیلی دَرد داره –
– We should run some tests.
– bâyad čand tâ âzmâyeš anjâm bedim.
.بایَد چَند تا آزمایش اَنجام بِدیم –
– You’d better stay in the hospital overnight.
– behtare emšab ro dar bimârestân bemunid.
.بِهتَره اِمشَب رو دَر بیمارستان بِمونید –
– moškelam jeddiye(h).
مُشکِلَم جِدیه؟ –
– We haven’t made a diagnose yet.
– hanuz tašxis nadâdim moškel čiye(h).
.هَنوز تَشخیص نَدادیم مُشکِل چیه –
– negarân nabâšid moškel-e hâddi nist.
.نِگَران نَباشید، مُشکِلِ حادّی نیست –
– barâ-ye darmân čikâr bâyad bokonam?
بَرای دَرمان چیکار بایَد بُکُنَم؟ –
– You should rest for a couple of days.
– bâyad čand ruz esterâhat koni.
.بایَد چَند روز اِستِراحَت کُنی –
– You shouldn’t eat heavy foods.
– nabâyad qazâ-ye sangin boxori.
.نَبایَد غَذای سَنگین بُخُوری –
– I prescribe antibiotic.
– barâtun ântibiyotic tajviz mikonam
.بَراتون آنتی بیوتیک تَجویز می کُنَم –
– You’d better drink more water.
– behtâre bištar âb boxori.
.بِهتَره بیشتَر آب بُخوُری –
– jarrahi lâzem dâram?
جَرّاحی لازِم دارَم؟ –
– No, it can be treated by medication.
– na(h), bâ dâru xub miše(h).
.نَه، با دارو خوب می شه –
– pâtun šekaste(h), bâyad gač begirim.
پاتون شِکَسته، بایَد گَچ بِگیریم؟ –
– čand vaqt bâyad tu gač bâše(h)?
چَند وَقت بایَد تو گَچ باشه؟ –
– dast-e kam se(h) hafte(h).
.دَستِ کَم سه هَفته –
– zaxm-e dastetun ‘amiqe, baxiye(h) lâzem dâre(h).
.زَخمِ دَستِتون عَمیقه، بَخیه لازِم داره –
– jâ-ye baxiye(h)hâ mimune(h)?
جایِ بَخیه ها می مونه؟ –

– če(h) komaki mitunam bokonam?
چه کُمَکی می تونَم بُکُنَم؟ –
– do se hafte(h) ast ke rizeš-e mu dâram.
.دُو سه هَفته اَست که ریزِشِ مو دارَم –
– dige(h) či?
دیگه چی؟ –
– bixâbi-o xastegi ham dâram.
.بی خوابی و خَستگی هَم دارَم –
– kam xuni nadârin?
کَم خونی نَدارین؟ –
– nemiduam.
.نِمی دونَم –
– behtare(h) yek azmâyeš-e xun bedin.
.بِهتَره یِک آزمایِشِ خون بِدین –

– dandunam xeyli dard mikone(h).
.دَندونَم خِیلی دَرد می کُنه –
– bale(h), dandunetun pusidegi dâre(h).
.بَله، دَندونِتون پوسیدِگی داره –
– bâyad por beše(h)?.
بایَد پُر بِشه؟ –
– bale(h), šâyad asab-keši ham lâzem dâšte(h) bâše(h).
.بَله، شایَد عَصَبکِشی هَم لازِم داشته باشه –
– hazine(h)-aš čeqadr miše(h)?
هَزینه اَش چِقَدر می شه؟ –
– yek milion toman.
.یِک میلیون تومَن –

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