The Significant Role of Nature in Iranian Culture and Language
Nature, known for its breathtaking diversity and beauty, is one of the defining characteristics of the vast land of Iran and Iranian culture. From the snow-capped peaks to lush green forests and the deep blue seas to sprawling deserts, Iran showcases a stunning array of natural wonders at every turn. In the month of Aban (November), as winter begins to make its presence felt across many regions, you can witness snowfall and hail in certain areas, bask in the warm sunshine on the southern beaches, or delight in the colorful and refreshing autumn weather found in the temperate zones.
The close bond between the Iranian people and nature influences our culture, art, and literature. The Persian language is rich in proverbs that link nature to wisdom and life lessons. For instance, the saying “The heavier a tree’s branches, the lower they bend” indicates that humility and modesty are admirable qualities, much like a tree whose abundant branches gracefully bow toward the earth.
درخت هرچه بارش بیشتر، افتادهتر
[deraxt har če(h) bâraš biš oftâde(h) tar] For instance, the sea and its expansive blue horizon have long stood as a symbol of greatness, generosity, and strength in Iranian culture. For Iranians, the sea represents a wellspring of inspiration, symbolizing endless opportunities and the abundance it provides. You can find the effect of this belief in Persian language and literature, where taking a bold, fearless step is often described as “throwing one’s heart into the sea.” [del be(h) daryâ zadan] To Iranians, the sea is more than just a magnificent natural wonder; it represents a spirit of vastness and abundance that generously provides for all.
آب دریا را اگر نتوان کشید هم به قدر تشنگی باید چشید
[âb-e daryâ râ agar natavân kešid ham be(h) qadr-e tešnegi bâyad češid] The moon is a significant symbol of beauty in Iranian culture. It shows elegance and charm in art and literature. The people of Iran compare every beautiful thing to its bright glow. This concept is deeply embedded in Persian expressions, exemplified by the famous saying, “The difference between my moon and the celestial moon is as vast as the earth and the sky.” This phrase not only underscores the theme of beauty but also emphasizes the considerable gaps that can exist between individuals and their aspirations.
میان ماه من تا ماه گردان تفاوت از زمین تا آسمان است
[miyân-e man tâ mâh-e gardân, tafâvot az zamin tâ âsemân] To appreciate Iran’s natural wonders and their profound impact on Iranian culture and discover its poetic essence, consider joining us at FarsiMonde to learn Persian. While it may appear daunting at first glance, remember the Persian saying: “Even if one cannot drink the entire sea, one should drink to quench their thirst.” Each step you take will bring you closer to uncovering the beauty of this land and mastering its language.
Author: Parastou Meskarian